the truth is... I abandon myself daily.

the truth is... I abandon myself daily.

The truth is… I abandon myself daily.

When I apologize for sharing my feelings because I am afraid others are uncomfortable.

When I focus more on making myself likable than honest.

When I don’t share my thoughts because I am afraid of being too much.

And on and on.

But today is a new day. A day to continue to practice showing up for myself.

Because while I may abandon myself daily, I also choose myself daily. And that makes all the difference.

It’s not about never leaving ourselves. It’s about the process of coming back to ourselves. The choosing to return, over and over again. This journey is, in itself, where the healing is.


it is not our partner's job to be the parents we never had

it is not our partner's job to be the parents we never had

the problem with avoiding disappointment by having "no expectations"

the problem with avoiding disappointment by having "no expectations"